Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "data": { "amount": 25300, "businessId": 15010, "customFields": { "Invoice ID": "82674382" }, "responseCode": "09", "terminalSerial": "P260300326393P260678997653", "businessOwnerId": 100, "responseMessage": "Airtime Purchase Pending", "transactionTime": "2024-10-10T09:32:57.916+0100", "transactionType": "AIRTIME", "merchantReference": "", "transactionStatus": "PENDING", "transactionReference": "ATP|2MPT0073|1838496858930533333120183849658930533333120", "retrievalReferenceNumber": "" }, "eventId": "59630e16-34f0-40ee-b5c3-a3d66e71ca41", "subject": { "domain": "CHANNELS", "resource": "business", "resourceId": "15010" }, "createdAt": "2024-10-11T14:04:20.051330639", "eventType": "V1_POS_AIRTIME_TRANSACTION" } |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
data.amount | Integer | The amount involved in the transaction, represented in smallest currency units (e.g., kobo for NGN). | 25300 (Twenty-five thousand, three hundred naira) |
data.businessId | Integer | Unique identifier of the business associated with the transaction. | 15010 |
data.customFields | Object | A map of custom key-value pairs related to the transaction, such as Invoice ID. | { "Invoice ID": "82674382" } |
data.responseCode | String | Code representing the response status of the transaction. |
data.terminalSerial | String | The serial number of the POS terminal used for the transaction. |
data.businessOwnerId | Integer | Unique identifier of the owner of the business. | 100 |
data.responseMessage | String | Message providing additional information about the transaction response. |
data.transactionTime | String (ISO 8601) | Timestamp indicating when the transaction occurred, in ISO 8601 format. |
data.transactionType | String | The type of transaction being processed. | "AIRTIME" |
data.merchantReference | String | Reference provided by the merchant for the transaction (can be empty if not applicable). | ““ |
data.transactionStatus | String | Current status of the transaction. |
data.transactionReference | String | A reference number used for transaction retrieval (may be empty if not provided). This is always unique per transaction |
data.retrievalReferenceNumber | String | A reference number for retrieving the transaction, if applicable. | ““ |
eventId | String(UUID) | This is the unique identifier of the events. |
subject.domain | String | The domain related to the event, e.g., "CHANNELS". |
subject.resoureceId | String | Unique identifier of the resource subject associated with the event, such as the businessId. |
subject.resourceId | String | Unique identifier of the resource subject associated with the event, such as the businessId. |
createdAt | String (ISO 8601) | Timestamp indicating when the event was created, in ISO 8601 format. |
eventType | StirngString | Type of the event that was triggered, e.g., "V1_POS_AIRTIME_TRANSACTION". |