We highly recommend that when you receive a notification from us, even after checking to ensure the hash values match, you should initiate a get transaction status request to us with the transactionReference to confirm the actual status of that transaction before updating the records on your database. 

GET: https://sandbox.monnify.com/api/v2/transactions/{{transactionReference}}

Please note that this endpoint is protected by OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token

You can get the transaction status with a simple GET request to
the get status endpoint and simply add either of the following query params in the table below.

Kindly do a url_encode of the transactionReference before passing into the url endpoint





Unique transaction reference generated by Monnify for each transaction

Here’s a sample request and response

    "requestSuccessful": true,
    "responseMessage": "success",
    "responseCode": "0",
    "responseBody": {
        "transactionReference": "MNFY|20200226093601|002095",
        "paymentReference": "330854835",
        "amountPaid": "100.00",
        "totalPayable": "100.00",
        "settlementAmount": "99.21",
        "paidOn": "26/02/2020 09:38:13 AM",
        "paymentStatus": "PAID",
        "paymentDescription": "LahrayWeb",
        "currency": "NGN",
        "paymentMethod": "ACCOUNT_TRANSFER",
        "product": {
            "type": "WEB_SDK",
            "reference": "330854835"
        "cardDetails": null,
        "accountDetails": {
            "accountName": "DAMILARE SAMUEL OGUNNAIKE",
            "accountNumber": "******7503",
            "bankCode": "000001",
            "amountPaid": "100.00"
        "accountPayments": [
                "accountName": "DAMILARE SAMUEL OGUNNAIKE",
                "accountNumber": "******7503",
                "bankCode": "000001",
                "amountPaid": "100.00"
        "customer": {
            "email": "ogunnaike.damilare@gmail.com",
            "name": "Lahray"
        "metaData": {
            "name": "Damilare",
            "age": "45"