Org structure

Org structure

Teams, Sub teams and overall Organisation structure

Business units are made up of product teams. Product teams are led by Product Managers and have other functions as sub teams. A sub team is a group of one of more people dedicated to a function needed for the team

Teams are given KPIs to own and every initiative they work on is the reach set KPI goals.

Every team is will consist of a Product Manager, one or more engineering sub-teams each having its own Engineering Manager ('EM'), a growth sub team, user experience sub-team, product operation sub-team, technical support sub-team, finance product control sub-team and compliance sub-team.

The Product Manager, EMs are expected to exclusively belong to the team. Other functions can be played by people who are shared with other sub teams. This does not however reduce their accountability towards team and sub team objectives.

Functional leaders as centres of excellence will continue to play their role of improving the state of the art of their functions across the organisation.

Business level structure


Who is Responsible

Divisionally reports to

Functionally reports to


Who is Responsible

Divisionally reports to

Functionally reports to

Overall leadership

Business leader



Product management

Business leader

Business Leader



Program manager

Business leader


Quality assurance

Program manager

Business leader



VP of engineering

Business leader


Product design

Business leader

Business leader

Head of UX/UI Design

Product Growth Management


Business leader



Head of operations

Business leader

Business leader


Compliance business partner

Business leader



Finance product controller

Business leader

Financial controller

Team level structure


Who is Responsible

Divisionally reports to

Functionally reports to


Who is Responsible

Divisionally reports to

Functionally reports to

Overall leadership

Product manager

Business leader

Business leader

Product management

Product manager

Business leader

Business leader


Program Manager

Product manager

Program manager

Quality assurance

Director of Technical product management

Product manager

Program manager


Director or Engineering

Product manager

VP of Engineering


Director of Operations

Product Manager

Head of Operations

Product design

Product manager

Product Manager

Head of Design

Product Growth Management


Business leader



Compliance business partner

Business leader


Engineering sub-team structure


Who is Responsible

Divisionally reports to

Functionally reports to


Who is Responsible

Divisionally reports to

Functionally reports to


Program Manager

Direct of Technical product Management

Program Manager

Quality assurance


Program Manager

Program Manager



Program Manager

Director of Engineering


Roles in the team structure

The responsibilities of each key role embedded within a Business Unit, and the changes in role relative to today are outlined below:

Business Leaders

Responsibilities: Business Leaders will retain responsibility for achievement of the business units' objectives. 

Changes: Business Leaders' role is unchanged.

Product Managers

Responsibilities: Product Managers will have responsibility for:

  • Initiative research and prioritisation: collecting potential initiatives from across the organisation (particularly Growth) and externally to understand potential initiatives the business line could work on. Validate these initiatives, and prioritise work on them to give the business line the most effective path to achieve KPI goal(s)

  • Market research: understand market and competitor dynamics, to ensure Moniepoint’s products are consistently the best in the market

  • Product research: collecting qualitative data from face-to-face customer research to make informed decisions about what to build to deliver the highest impact, given market and competitive dynamics

  • Managing the creation of prototypes and validation of designs, to ensure that Engineering teams are provided with validated, rigorously tested products to build

  • Managing the roadmap of products that will be delivered to achieve these Business Leaders' objectives

  • Some Product Managers will have responsibility for starting new potential business lines and acting as mini-CEOs in early stages of the business lines' development (see here)

Changes: Product Managers will have an elevated role. The profile of candidates will need to be higher than has been the case previously. They will be a crucial element in achieving the objectives of Business Leaders through building the highest-impact products, and managing the roadmap of products that will be delivered to achieve these business objectives.

Being able to do this whilst also running proper testing and validation of products- and managing the full suite of products through the entire lifecycle- requires high-quality individuals.



  • Fast, high-quality technical product delivery

  • Comprehensive and accurate project tracking in Jira

Changes: Unlike TPMs, EMs will no longer be required to do customer research and validate products with customers prior to build, as this will be the responsibility of Product Managers.

EMs will have explicit responsibility for acting as ‘scrum master’ to input data and updates in Jira. Having accurate inputs into Jira is a crucial element required for success of the new system.

Product Managers taking a more prominent role with responsibility for market and customer research, and delivering validated products that bring value to customers will free up EMs to focus on efficient and effective product delivery.

Product Designers


  • Create best-in-class products using the UX and UI design systems and frameworks

  • Ensure the design system is applied consistently to every new product

  • Continually upgrade the UX and UI of existing products

Changes: Design will be much more intentional and will be expected to have best-in-class UX and UI, consistently applied using central design system and standards from the outset of a product launch.

Designers will work closely with Product Managers to prototype and design products to allow products and designs to be validated with real customers prior to being built. This will result in valuable Engineering resource being focused only on already validated products. 


Responsibilities: Fast, high-quality software development to enable technical product delivery.

Changes: No changes.

Risk & Compliance 

Responsibilities: Ensure that all product development activities adhere to regulatory standards, mitigate potential risks, and maintain the integrity of Moniepoint’s compliance protocols.

Changes: No changes.


Responsibilities: Financial analysis, ensuring settlement & reconciliation standards are in place and followed, and financial resource allocation (if applicable) for products.

Changes: No changes.

Functional Managers as centres of excellence for the role

Each of the roles outlined above have functional management, as detailed in the Business Unit org chart.

The role of the functional managers for each function is to:

  • Create world class systems and frameworks, to be adopted by decentralised teams within the Business Units

  • Ensure the systems and frameworks are used correctly and consistently across all relevant areas of Moniepoint

  • Mentor, train and continually upskill their functional reports embedded within Business Units


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