Create A Mandate
To create a mandate on Monnify, you’ll need to call the create mandate endpoint, see specifications below(remember to also add the authentication header).
This endpoint is protected with OAuth 2.0 Bearer token. To find out more about authorization for Monnify endpoints, check Here
Endpoint URL: {{base_url}}/api/v1/direct-debit/mandate/create
The {{base_url}} for test is
but when you go live, it changes to the live url.
Open Flexible
For open flexible use case, you are informing Monnify that the mandate needs to be renewed periodically and you intend to periodically charge the customer a variable amount.
You will need to set the "autoRenew"
, parameter to true so that Monnify always renews the mandate and would also need to omit the "debitAmount"
parameter as shown below
Open Flexible Sample Request
"contractCode": "797854529434",
"mandateReference": "test-09-04-24-06",
"autoRenew": true,
"customerName": "Ankit Kushwaha",
"customerPhoneNumber": "1234567890",
"customerEmailAddress": "",
"customerAddress": "123 Example Street, City, Country",
"customerAccountNumber": "0051762787",
"customerAccountBankCode": "998",
"mandateDescription": "Subscription Fee",
"mandateStartDate": "2024-04-10T10:15:30",
"mandateEndDate": "2025-01-19T10:15:30",
"mandateAmount": 1000
Open Fixed
For an open fixed use case, you are informing Monnify that the mandate needs to be renewed periodically and you intend to periodically charge the customer a fixed amount.
Open Fixed Sample Request
"contractCode": "797854529434",
"mandateReference": "test-09-04-24-05",
"autoRenew": true,
"customerName": "Ankit Kushwaha",
"customerPhoneNumber": "1234567890",
"customerEmailAddress": "",
"customerAddress": "123 Example Street, City, Country",
"customerAccountNumber": "0051762787",
"customerAccountBankCode": "998",
"mandateDescription": "Subscription Fee",
"mandateStartDate": "2024-04-10T10:15:30",
"mandateEndDate": "2025-01-19T10:15:30",
"debitAmount": 10000
Closed Fixed
For a closed fixed use case, you are informing Monnify that the mandate is for a predetermined duration and you intend to periodically charge the customer a fixed amount.
Sample Request
"contractCode": "797854529434",
"mandateReference": "test-18-03-24-10",
"autoRenew": false,
"customerName": "Ankit Kushwaha",
"customerPhoneNumber": "1234567890",
"customerEmailAddress": "",
"customerAddress": "123 Example Street, City, Country",
"customerAccountNumber": "0051762787",
"customerAccountBankCode": "998",
"mandateDescription": "Subscription Fee",
"mandateStartDate": "2024-03-19T10:15:30",
"mandateEndDate": "2025-01-19T10:15:30",
"debitAmount": 1000,
"mandateAmount": 10000
Closed Flexible
For closed flexible use case, you are informing Monnify that the mandate is for a predetermined duration and you intend to periodically charge the customer a variable amount.
Sample Request
Sample Response
On successful mandate creation, an authorisation email will be sent to the customer’s email address to enable the customer authorise direct debit on his account. Once successfully authorised, merchant can periodically pass debits to the customer’s bank account till the mandate expires.
Field Parameters
Fields | Mandatory or Optional | Description |
contractCode | M | The merchant’s Monnify contract code |
mandateReference | M | Merchants generated reference to identify a mandate |
customerName | M | Name of merchants customer |
customerPhoneNumber | M | Phone number of merchants customer |
customerEmailAddress | M | Email address of merchants customer |
customerAddress | M | Location of merchants customer |
accountNumber | M | Customers account number to create a mandate on |
accountName | O | Customers account name for the account to create a mandate on |
bankCode | M | The bank code of the account number to create a mandate on |
mandateAmount | M | Total lifetime amount debitable on the mandate. |
mandateDescription | M | The description of the payment the mandate is associated to |
autoRenew | O | This informs Monnify wether the mandate will be renewed once it reaches end date. |
mandateStartDate | O | StartDate of Mandate: default to mandate creation date |
mandateEndDate | O | EndDate of Mandate: default to mandate creation date |
mandateCode | O | Monnify generated mandate identifier |
mandateStatus | O | The status of the mandate in request: INITIATED, ACTIVE, CANCELED |
mandateAuthorizationLink | O | 3Ds link presented to customers for authorization flow returned when the status is requested |
paymentReference | M | Merchants unique reference to identify a single direct debit payment |
debitAmount | O | Payment amount to be debited from a single debit transaction |
narration | M | Description of the single debit |