Charge Card Token

To charge a card using the saved token, you will need to send a request to the endpoint below:

This endpoint is protected with OAuth 2.0 Bearer token. To find out more about authorization for Monnify endpoints, check Here

Endpoint URL: {{base_url}}/api/v1/merchant/cards/charge-card-token

Content-Type: application/json


The {{base_url}} for test is but when you go live, it changes to the live url

Sample Request

{ "cardToken": "MNFY_6A9DAD234B3E4E3C965B8F1D7BA8E0DE", "amount": 50, "customerName": "Smart Mekiliuwa", "customerEmail": "", "paymentReference": "1642776682937", "paymentDescription": "Paying for Product A", "currencyCode": "NGN", "contractCode": "675234136342", "apiKey": "MK_TEST_VR7J3UAACH", "metaData": { "ipAddress": "", "deviceType": "mobile" } }

Sample Response

{ "requestSuccessful": true, "responseMessage": "success", "responseCode": "0", "responseBody": { "transactionReference": "MNFY|63|20220126120647|000042", "paymentReference": "1643195206829", "amountPaid": "30.00", "totalPayable": "30.00", "settlementAmount": "29.61", "paidOn": "26/01/2022 12:06:52 PM", "paymentStatus": "PAID", "paymentDescription": "Paying for Product A", "currency": "NGN", "paymentMethod": "CARD", "product": { "type": "API_NOTIFICATION", "reference": "1643195206829" }, "cardDetails": { "cardType": "MasterCard", "last4": "2293", "expMonth": "09", "expYear": "24", "bin": "539923", "bankCode": null, "bankName": null, "reusable": true, "countryCode": null, "cardToken": "MNFY_A1BFC27BDE30453E95FA4E5E4055C9D8", "supportsTokenization": false }, "accountDetails": null, "accountPayments": [], "customer": { "email": "", "name": "Smart Mekiliuwa" }, "metaData": { "deviceType": "mobile", "ipAddress": "" } } }



You can also split payments among SubAccounts when attempting to charge a tokenised card.

This can be done using the incomeSplitConfig parameter.

Sample Request

{ "cardToken": "MNFY_6A9DAD234B3E4E3C965B8F1D7BA8E0DE", "amount": 20, "customerName": "Marvelous", "customerEmail": "", "paymentReference": "164277668999hbj2937", "paymentDescription": "Paying for Product A", "currencyCode": "NGN", "contractCode": "675234136342", "apiKey": "MK_PROD_WTZLS10MX6", "incomeSplitConfig": [ { "subAccountCode": "MFY_SUB_637933382917", "feePercentage": 100, "splitPercentage": 20, "feeBearer": true } ] }


Sample Response