Get All Wallets

This API returns a list of all generated customer wallets created by the merchant.


This endpoint is protected with a Basic Authentication. You are to send HTTP requests with the Authorization header that contains the word Basic followed by a space and a base64-encoded string apiKey:clientSecret.

Endpoint URL: {{base_url}}/api/v1/disbursements/wallet?customerEmail={email}&walletReference={reference}

HTTP Method: GET

The {{base_url}} for test is but when you go live, it changes to the live url


Sample Response

{ "requestSuccessful": true, "responseMessage": "success", "responseCode": "0", "responseBody": { "content": [ { "walletName": "Smart Wallet - ref1683663040121", "walletReference": "ref1683663040121", "customerName": "Smart Mek", "customerEmail": "", "accountNumber": "6000000309", "accountName": "Smart Mek", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000182062", "accountName": "Smart Mek", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Smart Wallet - ref1683665674717", "walletReference": "ref1683665674717", "customerName": "Smart Mek", "customerEmail": "", "accountNumber": "6000000323", "accountName": "New Smart Mek", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000182206", "accountName": "Smart Mek", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Smart Wallet - ref1683804295120", "walletReference": "ref1683804295120", "customerName": "Smart Mek", "customerEmail": "", "accountNumber": "6000000329", "accountName": "Smart Mek", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000182347", "accountName": "Smart Mek", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Smart Wallet - ref1683832152234", "walletReference": "ref1683832152234", "customerName": "Smart Mek", "customerEmail": "", "bvnDetails": { "bvn": "22222222226", "bvnDateOfBirth": "1993-10-03" }, "accountNumber": "6000000332", "accountName": "Smart Mek", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000182426", "accountName": "Smart Mek", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Staging Wallet - ref1684152734322", "walletReference": "ref1684152734322", "customerName": "Super Biz", "customerEmail": "", "bvnDetails": { "bvn": "22222222226", "bvnDateOfBirth": "1993-10-03" }, "accountNumber": "6000000334", "accountName": "Super Biz", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000195039", "accountName": "Super Biz", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Staging Wallet - ref1684152917088", "walletReference": "ref1684152917088", "customerName": "Super Biz", "customerEmail": "", "bvnDetails": { "bvn": "22222222226", "bvnDateOfBirth": "1993-10-03" }, "accountNumber": "6000000335", "accountName": "Super Biz", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000195046", "accountName": "Super Biz", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Staging Wallet - ref1684153094039", "walletReference": "ref1684153094039", "customerName": "Super Biz", "customerEmail": "", "bvnDetails": { "bvn": "22222222226", "bvnDateOfBirth": "1993-10-03" }, "accountNumber": "6000000336", "accountName": "Super Biz", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000195053", "accountName": "Super Biz", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Staging Wallet - ref1684153227861", "walletReference": "ref1684153227861", "customerName": "Super Biz", "customerEmail": "", "bvnDetails": { "bvn": "22222222226", "bvnDateOfBirth": "1993-10-03" }, "accountNumber": "6000000337", "accountName": "Super Biz", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000195060", "accountName": "Super Biz", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Staging Wallet - ref1684153234410", "walletReference": "ref1684153234410", "customerName": "Super Biz", "customerEmail": "", "bvnDetails": { "bvn": "22222222226", "bvnDateOfBirth": "1993-10-03" }, "accountNumber": "6000000338", "accountName": "Super Biz", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000195077", "accountName": "Super Biz", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } }, { "walletName": "Staging Wallet - ref1684153248186", "walletReference": "ref1684153248186", "customerName": "Super Biz", "customerEmail": "", "bvnDetails": { "bvn": "22222222226", "bvnDateOfBirth": "1993-10-03" }, "accountNumber": "6000000339", "accountName": "Super Biz", "topUpAccountDetails": { "accountNumber": "8000195084", "accountName": "Super Biz", "bankCode": "50515", "bankName": "Moniepoint MFB" } } ], "pageable": { "sort": { "sorted": true, "unsorted": false, "empty": false }, "pageSize": 10, "pageNumber": 0, "offset": 0, "unpaged": false, "paged": true }, "last": false, "totalPages": 2, "totalElements": 17, "sort": { "sorted": true, "unsorted": false, "empty": false }, "first": true, "numberOfElements": 10, "size": 10, "number": 0, "empty": false } }


Field Reference






A number specifying what page of wallet record to be retrieved. Minimum value is 0, and defaults to 0 if not specified.


A number specifying size of each wallet page. Minimum value is 1, and defaults to 10 if not specified.


The email address of the customer


The unique reference used in generating the wallet.