Test plan | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bimOGb3iRgPprkGI5Ns8ps7tq3ffO2dMJEzbnJGht_g/edit?usp=sharing |
Core user journeys
Personal savings
Persona | Core journey | Rationale |
Business Savings
Core journey
Test environment
Interactive figma prototypes of the product was the product was tested on mobile and desktop devices in a remote and unmoderated setting. However testers had the liberty to ask questions when required.
Core journey | Tasks |
Create savings plan | A user with interest of creating a flexible savings plan, has to navigate to savings sections, select a flexible savings type, Enter details of savings, review terms and condition and then create plan. |
Top-up savings plan | A user with interest of creating toping up into a locked savings plan, has to navigate to savings sections, select a locked savings , Enter details of savings, review terms and condition and then create planplan, click on top-up and enter amount, enter transaction pin and confirm. |
Withdraw on maturity | A user with interest of creating withdrawing from a fixed matured savings plan, has to navigate to savings sections, select a fixed matured savings , Enter details of savings, review terms and condition and then create planplan, click on withdraw and enter amount, enter transaction pin and confirm. |
Rollover savings plan | A user with interest of toping up rolling over a matured savings plan, has to navigate to savings sections, select matured savings plan, click on topup and enter amountrollover, enter transaction pin and confirm. |
Break savings plan | A user with interest of withdrawing from breaking a savings plan, has to navigate to savings sections, select savings plan, click on withdraw and enter amountbreak savings, enter transaction pin and confirm. |