Hello all,
Here is a page that houses our product management process. This process ensures that we build valuable, user-centric, and scalable solutions by following a structured approach. Below is a step-by-step breakdown of how we drive product development from discovery to execution, including templates/examples.
Discovery/ Research Plan: Discovery is the foundation of our product development process. It helps us understand user needs, pain points, and opportunities before defining solutions. - Interest-Free Loan Product Discovery Plan
Interview Questions: We craft structured questions following the Mom Test methodology to ensure we gather unbiased and actionable insights from users - Non-Interest Interview Questions
Interview Logs and Interview Snapshots: We document key takeaways, pain points, and trends from user interviews to inform decision-making. - Markup Interview Logs
Discovery Recording: All discovery sessions are recorded and stored for reference, ensuring alignment across teams - Agent Loan Discovery - Mrs Abosede Eunice
Experience Maps: Experience maps help visualize the end-to-end user journey, identifying friction points and opportunities for improvement - Loans Experience Map
Opportunity Solution Tree (OST): The Opportunity Solution Tree helps us break down problems, explore potential solutions, and align decisions with business goals - Loans Opportunity Solution Tree
Story Map: A Story Map structures user stories based on workflows, ensuring we build features in a way that aligns with user needs and priorities - Loans Story Map
Assumption Test: Before committing to a solution, we validate key assumptions through rapid experiments to mitigate risks early in the process - Loans Story Maps & Assumption Testing
Wireframe: Low-fidelity wireframes are created to visualize potential solutions, aligning stakeholders before moving to detailed design - Wireframe Playground
Usability Test: We conduct usability tests to ensure that our solutions are intuitive and meet user expectations. The process includes:
Test Tool: Useberry is the company-wide tool for unmoderated test - Userberry
Test Script: A structured guide outlining tasks and scenarios for users to complete during the test - Moderated Test Script
Questions: Open-ended and task-specific questions to gather user feedback - Markup Usability Test Questions
Report: A summary of findings, insights, and recommendations to refine the product - Markup Usability Test Report
PRD(Product Requirements Document): The PRD formalizes the feature scope, functional requirements, and success metrics, ensuring clear alignment between product, design, and engineering teams - /wiki/spaces/BLS/pages/1676902490
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