Design documention template
[Project name] design document
Prepared by: [Name]
Date: [Date]
Version: [Version number]
Scope of this document: [Explain the purpose and scope]
Related documents:
User stories [link]
Acceptance criteria [link]
Test scripts [link]
User flows and wireframes
User story [#ID]: [Title]
Flow diagram: [Insert or link to flowchart]
Screen name: [Name]
Description: [Purpose of the screen]
Wireframe/design: [Insert image or link]
Interactive elements: [Buttons, links]
Behaviours: [What happens on user actions]
Error states: [Designs for validation errors]
Screen name: [Name]
[Repeat as above]
Unhappy paths and error states
Scenario: [Description of the error condition]
Screen/design: [Insert image or link]
Annotations: [Explain how the user is informed and can recover]
Responsive design considerations
Mobile designs: [Screenshots and notes for mobile layouts]
Desktop designs: [For web applications]
Tablet designs: [If applicable]
Revision history
[Log of changes made to the document]