Test scripts template

[Project name] test scripts

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: [Date]
Version: [Version Number]

Test script [#ID]: [Title]

Related user story ID: [User story #ID]
Test description: [Brief description of the test case]


  • [Precondition 1]

  • [Precondition 2]

Test steps:

  1. [Step 1]

  2. [Step 2]

  3. [Step 3]

Expected results:

  • [Expected result for step 1]

  • [Expected result for step 2]

  • [Expected result for step 3]

Priority: [High/Medium/Low]
Test environment: [e.g., Staging, QA, Production]
Tester assigned: [Name of the tester]
Date of execution: [Date]
Test result: [Pass/Fail]
Comments: [Any additional notes or observations]

Repeat the above section for each test script.