User stories template

[Project name] user stories

Prepared by: [Name]
Date: [Date]
Version: [Version number]

User story [#ID]: [Title]

As a [type of user],
I want [action or feature],
So that [benefit or value].

Acceptance criteria:

  1. [Criterion 1]

  2. [Criterion 2]

  3. [Criterion 3]

Priority: [High/Medium/Low]
Related KPIs: [KPI this story impacts]
Strategic alignment: [Brief explanation of how this story aligns with strategic goals]
Dependencies: [List any dependencies or related user stories]
Estimated effort: [Estimated effort in story points or person-days]
Confidence level: [High/Medium/Low]
Unhappy paths: [Specify all possible]


  • Customer insights: [Include any relevant quotes or findings from customer interviews]

  • Design links: [Provide links to prototypes or design mock-ups]

  • Additional information: [Any other pertinent information]

Repeat the above section for each user story