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This endpoint is protected with OAuth 2.0 Bearer token. To find out more about authorization for Monnify endpoints, check Here

Endpoint URL: {{base_url}}/api/v1v2/bank-transfer/reserved-accounts


Sample Reserve Account (Invoice) Request

Code Block
    "contractCode	"accountReference": "166813296212abc123708",
    	"accountName": "JaneTest Reserved DoeAccount",
    	"currencyCode": "NGN",
	"contractCode":    "accountReference"100693167467",
	"customerEmail": "",
	"customerName": "John Doe",
 	"customerEmailgetAllAvailableBanks": ""false,
    "customerNamepreferredBanks": "Jane Doe"["035","232","50515"],
    "reservedAccountType": "INVOICE"

Sample Reserve Account (Invoice) Response

Code Block
    "requestSuccessful": true,
    "responseMessage": "success",
    "responseCode": "0",
    "responseBody": {
        "contractCode": "166813296212100693167467",
        "accountReference": "janedoe12233abc123708",
        "accountName": "Jane DoeTes",
        "currencyCode": "NGN",
        "customerEmail": "",
        "customerName": "John Doe",
        "accounts": [
                "bankCode": "50515",
                "bankName": "PaschalMoniepoint Microfinance EzenwankwoBank",
                "accountNumber": "6106424552",
                "accountName": "Tes"
                "bankCode": "1122334455232",
                "bankName": "Sterling "GTBank",bank",
                "accountNumber": "8947206823",
                "accountName": "Tes"
                "bankCode": "035",
                "bankName": "Wema bank",
                "accountNumber": "7203133878",
                "accountName": "058"Tes"
        "collectionChannel": "RESERVED_ACCOUNT",
        "reservationReference": "KN5PYJ78PLSX7ET2U0M1NB8XNYZASVFTRN9",
        "reservedAccountType": "INVOICE",
        "status": "INACTIVE",
        "createdOn": "20192023-0704-1819 1412:4648:12.591"
        "incomeSplitConfig": [],
        "bvn": "21212121212",
        "restrictPaymentSource": false


The status is INACTIVE because the reserved account is of type INVOICE and no invoice is currently attached to the account. Once an invoice is attached, the account becomes active.

Attaching a Reserved Account to an Invoice



This endpoint is protected with OAuth 2.0 Bearer token. To find out more about authorization for Monnify endpoints, check Here

Endpoint URL: {{base_url}}/api/v1/invoice/create


Code Block
    "amount": "999",
    "invoiceReference": "1838913182abc1237008",
	"accountReference": "janedoe12233",
    "description": "test invoice",
    "currencyCode": "NGN",
    "contractCode": "38238193818100693167467",
    "customerEmail": "",
    "customerName": "Jane Doe",
    "expiryDate": "20192023-1007-3005 1216:0001:0008"

Create Invoice Response

Code Block
    "requestSuccessful": true,
    "responseMessage": "success",
    "responseCode": "0",
    "responseBody": {
        "amount": 999,
        "invoiceReference": "1838913182abc1237008",
        "invoiceStatus": "PENDING",
        "description": "test invoice",
        "accountReference": "janedoe12233",
        "contractCode": "4876165459100693167467",
        "customerEmail": "",
        "customerName": "JaneJohn Doe",
        "expiryDate": "20192023-1007-1805 1416:4801:0008",
        "createdBy": "MK_TESTPROD_VR7J3UAACHGFVLE0PZTQ",
        "createdOn": "20192023-0807-2703 2316:1401:2908",
        "checkoutUrlaccountNumber": "|20190827231429|0003407203133878",
        "accountNumberaccountName": "1122334455Tes",
        "accountNamebankName": "JaneWema Doebank",
        "bankNamebankCode": "GTBank035",
        "bankCodetransactionReference": "058MNFY|63|20230703160107|004057"

Once the invoice is generatedattached to the reserved account, the customer can pay by simply doing a transfer to the virtual account number generated or via their debit card using the checkout URL. Once the customer pays, we will notify you via your Webhook URL. 
