Field studies

To obtain an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the customer's current processes, the discovery team should ideally be present on-site with the customer in their natural environment. This enables direct observation of their activities and allows the team to ask questions to gain an unbiased perspective. During this process, the team should take note of any pain points, needs, and desires expressed by the customer to ensure that these are addressed in the development of solutions.


  • Field studies have the advantage of aligning the entire team with the actual customer problems. This can be especially valuable when the team does not have firsthand knowledge of the domain.

  • One of the advantages of field studies is that they help eliminate bias. Through direct observation of customers' actions, the team gains a clear understanding of the situation as it is. This enables the team to challenge their assumptions about how things work.

  • Field studies are an effective method for developing empathy for customers. By observing customers in their natural environment, we can gain a deeper understanding of their actions, thoughts, communications, and emotions. This understanding can lead to improved solutions that address customers' needs.


Type of Field Study


Observational vs. Attitudinal?

Direct observation

Observing uninterrupted natural behavior

Purely observational

Contextual inquiry (including usability testing in the field)

Understanding the reasoning or context that drives an observed behavior

Observational and attitudinal

Customer-site visits

Learning about specific domains or industries, with the participant acting as a guide

Slightly more attitudinal


Total immersion in a setting to learn about relationships, interactions, and cultural norms within a group

Slightly more observational


The primary challenges in conducting this type of discovery are time and monetary constraints. Depending on the extent of the planned activities, it may not be feasible to use this discovery method.

Source: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/field-studies/