Hello all,
Here is a page that houses our product management process. This process ensures that we build valuable, user-centric, and scalable solutions by following a structured approach. Below is a step-by-step breakdown of how we drive product development from discovery to execution, including templates/examples.
Discovery/ Research Plan: Discovery is the foundation of our product development process. It helps us understand user needs, pain points, and opportunities before defining solutions. - Interest-Free Loan Product Discovery Plan
Interview Questions: Structured questions following the Mom Test methodology to ensure we gather unbiased and actionable insights from users - Non-Interest Interview Questions
Recruit participants through Moniepoint Sales Team (Preferably through BRMs as they have the closest relationship to business owners), Loan Networks (Preferably through FCO as they have the closest relationship to business owners) or Field Verification Officers who will visit the business owners at their business location (Best option).
Gather the contact information of the participants. The business analyst should be tasked with initiating conversation and scheduling discovery meeting. Note: It would be great to offer incentives.
Interview Logs and Interview Snapshots: Document key takeaways, pain points, and trends from user interviews to inform decision-making. - Markup Interview Logs
Discovery Recording: All discovery sessions are recorded and stored for reference - Agent Loan Discovery - Mrs Abosede Eunice
Experience Maps: Experience maps help visualize the end-to-end user journey, identifying friction points and opportunities for improvement - Loans Experience Map
Opportunity Solution Tree (OST): The Opportunity Solution Tree helps us break down problems, explore potential solutions, and align decisions with business goals - Loans Opportunity Solution Tree
Story Map: A Story Map structures user stories based on workflows, ensuring we build features in a way that aligns with user needs and priorities - Loans Story Map
Assumption Testing: Before committing to a solution, we validate key assumptions through rapid experiments to mitigate risks early in the process - Loans Story Maps & Assumption Testing
Wireframe: Low-fidelity wireframes are created to visualize potential solutions, aligning stakeholders before moving to detailed design - Wireframe Playground
Usability Test: We conduct usability tests to ensure that our solutions are intuitive and meet user expectations.
Test Tool: Useberry is the company-wide tool for unmoderated test - Userberry
Test Script: A structured guide for conducting a test - Moderated Test Script
Questions: Open-ended and task-specific questions to gather user feedback - Markup Usability Test Questions
Report: A summary of findings, insights, and recommendations to refine the product - Markup Usability Test Report
PRD(Product Requirements Document): The PRD formalizes the feature scope, functional requirements, and non-functional requirements, ensuring clear alignment between product, design, and engineering teams - Field Credit Officers Assignment Based On Local Government PRD