Onboarding SUS report

Onboarding SUS report

Due date

19 September 2024






@Mirabel Offiong


Personal onboarding , Business onboarding , Account upgrade , Soft onboarding , Marketer/PRM onboarding , BRM/PRM onboarding BOs , Forgot passcode

Document summary

Usability test results for the Onboarding process are compiled in this research summary.


As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the user experience and align our products with strategic goals, we have identified the System Usability Scale (SUS) score as a key performance indicator (KPI) for user satisfaction. Additionally, we will be tracking two other critical usability metrics: time on task and success rate. These metrics will provide a comprehensive view of how well our product supports primary user goals across web and mobile platforms.

The purpose of this usability test is to establish a usability benchmark for the product, which will serve as a foundation for future improvements.

Success metrics

  • SUS score

  • Time on task

  • Success rate

Test plan

Core user journeys


Core journey



Core journey


New personal customer + needs to open a personal bank account

Personal onboarding

This journey represents the total number of successful new sign ups on personal banking.

New business owner + needs to open an Business account

Business onboarding

This journey represents the total number of successful new sign ups on business banking.

New personal customer/business owner + needs to upgrade personal/business account up to level 3

Account upgrade up to level 3

This journey represents the total number of accounts that are successfully upgraded to full functionality.

Existing business owner + needs to open a personal account

Soft onboarding

This journey is critical to our users present on one platform who are signing up on another (eg: personal users opening business account, vice versa).

Business owner + needs to upgrade business account to a registered/corporate account

Account upgrade to Registered Business

This journey represents the total number of successful new corporate accounts

Marketer/PRM + needs to open a personal account for a customer

Marketer/PRM onboarding

This journey is critical to the business' sales efforts around successfully pushing retail products to customers

BRM/PRM + needs to open business account for a business owner/marketer

BRM/PRM onboarding BO

This journey is critical to the business' sales efforts around successfully pushing business products to customers

Personal customer or business owner + needs to recover passcode for log in.

Forgot passcode

This journey is critical to our users who need to recover their passcode

Test environment

Platform: The tests were conducted on Useberry, as well as web dev/staging apps.

Method: Combination of in-person moderated and remote unmoderated tests. Interactive prototypes were set up on useberry for the unmoderated tests, as well as the SUS questionnaires. Web testing accounts were used for the in-person moderated tests.



Core journey



Core journey



Personal Onboarding

As a potential user, you just downloaded the Moniepoint personal app on your phone. Using the interface, go on to open an account.


Business Onboarding

As a potential user, you just downloaded the Moniepoint Business app on your phone. Using the interface, go on to open an account.


BRM/PRM onboarding BO

As a Business Relationship Manager, onboard a Business Owner from your dashboard.


Marketer/PRM onboarding

A customer who does not have a smartphone wants a Moniepoint personal account. Help them open one.


Account upgrade up to level 3

As an existing customer, upgrade your personal account to levels 2 and 3.


Soft onboarding

As a business owner already on the Moniepoint business app, you have just downloaded the Moniepoint personal app for the first time. Go ahead to open your personal account.


Account upgrade to registered business



Forgot passcode

As an existing customer, you are unable to log in to your Moniepoint account because you have forgotten your passcode. What do you do?





Participant information

Number of participants



  • Aged between 18 and 40

  • Cuts across both genders

  • Participants are a mix of new users who are not familiar with the flows, as well as existing users

Selection criteria

Participants selected for the test were both new and existing users


Recruitment process

  • Participants were selected based on their likelihood to interact with the flow on a day-to-day basis. For each flow, participant demographies represent the ideal users.

  • Recruitment channels included: State Coordinators (SCs), State Product Officers (SPOs) and Business Relationship Managers (BRMs).

  • Screeners implemented include:

    • Participants regularly interact with the onboarding flow

    • Participants have never used the onboarding flow

    • Participants are current customers

Usability metrics and results

Success rate definition

SUS score

SUS is a standardised questionnaire used to measure the usability of a product, using a 10 questions 5-point scale to generate a score between 0 and 100, with higher indicating higher usability.

The average SUS score is typically 68. A score of 68 or higher is generally considered acceptable or better than average. Above 70 is good, and above 80 is excellent.

sus scale.png


Time on task

- The time spent on each task is inconclusive because a lot of participant were multi tasking during this test

  • Personal Onboarding: users should/are expected to complete this journey in 4 minutes.

  • Business Onboarding: users should/are expected to complete this journey within 4 minutes.

  • BRM/PRM onboarding BO: users should/are expected to complete this journey within 7 minutes.

  • Marketer/PRM onboarding BO: users should/are expected to complete this journey within 4 minutes.

  • Account upgrade up to level 3: users should/are expected to complete this journey within 4 minutes.

  • Soft onboarding: users should/are expected to complete this journey within 1 minute.

  • Account upgrade to registered business: users should/are expected to complete this journey within X minutes.

  • Forgot passcode: users should/are expected to complete this journey within <1 minutes.

Success rate

  • Personal Onboarding: this journey is considered successful when the personal customer has successfully created a personal account.

  • Business Onboarding: this journey is considered successful when when the business owner has successfully created a business account.

  • BRM/PRM onboarding BO: this journey is considered successful when when the BRM has successfully onboarded a Business Owner.

  • Marketer/PRM onboarding customer: this journey is considered successful when when the Marketer/PRM has successfully onboarded a personal customer.

  • Account upgrade: this journey is considered successful when the customer has successfully upgraded their account to a level 2 and 3 account.

  • Soft onboarding: this journey is considered successful when the customer has successfully imported their existing business/ personal profile to their new personal/business account.

  • Account upgrade to registered business: this journey is considered successful when the business owner has successfully upgraded their account to a level 4 account.

  • Forgot passcode: this journey is considered successful when a personal customer or business owner has recovered the passcode to their account.


Core journey

SUS score

Time on task

Success rate


Core journey

SUS score

Time on task

Success rate


Personal onboarding


55.4 secs


A lot of participants thought the account creation process was complete after they saw “Profile created“

Business onboarding


2m 31s


Users don’t read the CBN walkthrough

BRM/PRM onboarding BO



Note: Participants were distracted with other activities during this test


A lot of BRMs couldn’t navigate around errors

PRM/Marketer onboarding


3m 41s



Account upgrade up to level 3


3m 23s



Soft onboarding





Forgot passcode





Account upgrade to registered business





Post-test qualitative questionnaire feedback

Participants provided additional insights through open-ended post-test questions:

Common pain points

A common recurring issue mentioned by participants was the length of the onboarding process. It was compared to opay and palmpay a lot.

Participant thought the “Profile created“ and “Welcome to Moniepoint” prompt meant that the account has been created. They were surprised to see they had 9 more steps to complete before they could officially get an account.

The timer on the BRM/PRM onboarding BO flow.

The app takes too long to load.

Positive feedback

Participants love that show them how to get their BVN/NIN if they don’t have one.

User suggestions

The timer on the BRM/PRM onboarding BO flow, if it can be done in the background


Recommendations for improvement

Based on the test findings, the following recommendations are proposed to improve the product’s usability:

Design changes

  • Getting rid of the CBN walkthrough screens or shorten it, because nobody reads it. (When i asked participants why they didn’t read it, they said it was too lengthy, and as long as we didn’t force them to read it, they were going to skip it.)

  • Unifying the progress bars. It’s very inconsistent in the onboarding flow. Some parts of the flow have the progress sliders, while others have the progress steppers

Quick wins

  • Minor adjustments to the photo capture screens. None of the participants read instructions during this test.

  • Using visual instructions for the photo capture screens. Users don’t read instructions and they can’t get past photo capture.

  • Reassess the profile creation success screens, as well as the KYC primers to communicate the right message, remove any unnecessary screens.

Long-term recommendations

  • Improving the account upgrade process. Currently, when users upgrade their accounts, we show them that their account has been upgraded even when we’re still running some background checks. This leads to a lot of confusion and accounts being PND’d.



The usability test revealed that while the product performs adequately in most areas, there are specific pain points around the length of the onboarding process and account upgrade. By focusing on these areas, we can significantly improve the user experience.

Next Steps

The design team will implement the recommended changes and prepare for a follow-up usability test to measure improvements in SUS, time on task, and success rate.

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