Webhook Events and Request Structure

Webhook Events and Request Structure

On completion of certain actions on your integration, a notification would be sent to your system informing you of the action and expecting to trigger corresponding activities on your system as deemed fit.

You can specify urls for certain activities on your integration and events will be sent to that url with an event type property indicating what action has taken place and event data containing the details of the event.

It’s highly recommended you check our Best Practices when processing webhooks

A typical structure of the payload is as indicated below:

{ "eventType": "type_of_event", "eventData": { "prop1": "value1", "prop2": "value2" } }


Supported Event Types

  1. Successful Collection: A successful payment was made on your account. This could be card, account transfer or cash payments.

  2. Successful Disbursement: This is sent when a disbursement transaction has a successful definite status.

  3. Failed Disbursement: This is sent when a disbursement transaction fails.

  4. Successful Refund: This is sent when an initiated refund has been processed successfully.

  5. Failed Refund: This is sent when an initiated refund fails.

  6. Settlement Completion: This is sent when settlement to your bank account or wallet is processed successfully.

  7. Mandate Status Change: This is sent when the status of a mandate changes from PENDING to FAILED or CANCELLED or ACTIVATED


Click on each event type below to reveal request structure.

{ "eventType": "SUCCESSFUL_TRANSACTION", "eventData": { "product": { "reference": "1636106097661", "type": "RESERVED_ACCOUNT" }, "transactionReference": "MNFY|04|20211117112842|000170", "paymentReference": "MNFY|04|20211117112842|000170", "paidOn": "2021-11-17 11:28:42.615", "paymentDescription": "Adm", "metaData": {}, "paymentSourceInformation": [ { "bankCode": "", "amountPaid": 3000, "accountName": "Monnify Limited", "sessionId": "e6cV1smlpkwG38Cg6d5F9B2PRnIq5FqA", "accountNumber": "0065432190" } ], "destinationAccountInformation": { "bankCode": "232", "bankName": "Sterling bank", "accountNumber": "6000140770" }, "amountPaid": 3000, "totalPayable": 3000, "cardDetails": {}, "paymentMethod": "ACCOUNT_TRANSFER", "currency": "NGN", "settlementAmount": "2990.00", "paymentStatus": "PAID", "customer": { "name": "John Doe", "email": "test@tester.com" } } }
{ "eventData": { "product": { "reference": "596048268", "type": "WEB_SDK" }, "transactionReference": "MNFY|23|20211117124920|042042", "paymentReference": "596048268", "paidOn": "2021-11-17 12:50:19.269", "paymentDescription": "Pay With Monnify", "metaData": { "name": "Damilare", "age": "45" }, "paymentSourceInformation": [], "destinationAccountInformation": {}, "amountPaid": 100, "totalPayable": 100, "cardDetails": { "last4": "2718", "expMonth": "10", "expYear": "22", "bin": "506102", "reusable": false }, "paymentMethod": "CARD", "currency": "NGN", "settlementAmount": "98.71", "paymentStatus": "PAID", "customer": { "name": "", "email": "ore2@monnify.com" } }, "eventType": "SUCCESSFUL_TRANSACTION" }


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