Tutorial: Build an e-commerce app integrating with Monnify

Tutorial: Build an e-commerce app integrating with Monnify

Hi there, glad to have you in this space. Today we will be building a simple e-commerce app, “Merce” in NodeJs and ExpressJS (backend) and VueJs (front-end) that showcases dummy products and allows a customer pay using Monnify’s One Time Payment feature.

This is what we will be building

Fig 1 - Merce’s store


By the end of this tutorial we will achieve the following:

  1. Create Merce's front-end to interact with the products and make payment.

  2. Create Merce’s backend server in NodeJs to serve APIs for the front-end and to integrate with Monnify

  3. Checkout and pay for a dummy product

  4. Create a web-hook api to receive notifications of transactions.

Github Repositories

  1. Frontend - https://github.com/kelechiokwuriki/monnify-ecommerce-integtation-frontend

  2. Backend - https://github.com/kelechiokwuriki/monnify-ecommerce-integtation-backend

Let’s begin

Sign up on Monnify

We will be needing the api key and secret key in order to authenticate and interact with the Monnify apis. To this effect, head on to the monnify platform and sign up. After verifying your email, sign in and navigate to the settings area on your dashboard.

Fig 2: Monnify dashboard - Settings

Let’s kick off the backend server. Excited!

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