Manage Products

Manage Products

Product Features

Create Product

For your customers to be able to make payments to you offline, you need to create the products so that they can be available for them to pay for. You do this by logging into your dashboard and selecting the offline products tab and then selecting the create new product button.

Customers will only be able to make payments for products that have been profiled by you on Monnify.

Monnify dashboard for offline product feature

On clicking the create new product button, you are taken to the page where you can add products to your offline collections product listing.

Create new product

Here you provide the name of the product, product type, type of contract, and also the unique description for the product which will be used for validation purposes e.g Reference ID, Customer ID, Tax ID e.t.c.

For offline collections, we have 4 product types which are Fixed Amount, Invoice, merchant invoice and Variable amount, see Product Types for more details

View All Products Listing

As you create new products on the Monnify platform, the products are added to your product listing and you can view all of them at a glance. Details that can be seen are the name of the product, product type, amount, payment receipt description, and the date the product was created.

View Individual Product Details

You can also view details about the product you created on your monnify platform by selecting a product from the product listing. This will show you the following:

  1. Transaction volume on that product

  2. Successful transaction volume

  3. Product amount

  4. Product type

  5. Payment recipient description

  6. Product code

  7. Individual transaction details

You can also view the transaction details of a single offline transaction from your dashboard.

Edit and Delete Product

As a merchant you can edit the details of a product you listed and you can also delete the product from the list that you created.


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