Search Disbursement Transactions
This API allows you to get a list of all your disbursement transactions done on Monnify.
This endpoint is protected with OAuth 2.0 Bearer token. To find out more about authorization for Monnify endpoints, check Here.
Endpoint URL: {{base_url}}/api/v2/disbursements/search-transactions?sourceAccountNumber={sourceAccountNumber}&pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize}
HTTP Method: GET
The {{base_url}} for test is
but when you go live, it changes to the live url
The following query parameters are supported:
Field Reference
Field | Optional/Mandatory | Description |
pageNo | Optional | A number specifying what page of transfers to be retrieved. Minimum value is 0, and defaults to 0 if not specified. |
pageSize | Optional | A number specifying size of each transfer page. Minimum value is 1, and defaults to 10 if not specified. |
sourceAccountNumber | Mandatory | Unique identifier of your wallet. Can be obtained on the disbursements page on the web portal and is represented as WALLET ACCOUNT NUMBER. |
transactionReference | Optional | The unique reference for a disbursement transaction. |
startDate | Optional | A timestamp value specifying the date to start filtering disbursement transactions by the createdAt field |
endDate | Optional | A timestamp value specifying the date to stop filtering disbursement transactions by the createdAt field |
amountFrom | Optional | A number specifying the lower bound for filtering the transactions by the amount field |
amountTo | Optional | A number specifying the upper bound for filtering the transactions by the amount field. |
Below is a sample response for getting all disbursement transactions:
"requestSuccessful": true,
"responseMessage": "success",
"responseCode": "0",
"responseBody": {
"content": [
"amount": 50.00,
"reference": "ref1622802875358",
"narration": "You deserve to be pampered",
"currency": "NGN",
"fee": 35.00,
"twoFaEnabled": false,
"status": "FAILED",
"transactionDescription": "Failed",
"transactionReference": "MFDS20210604113438AAABLD",
"createdOn": "2021-06-04T10:34:38.000+0000",
"sourceAccountNumber": "3262925591",
"destinationAccountNumber": "0035785417",
"destinationAccountName": "AMADI SOLOMON E",
"destinationBankCode": "044",
"destinationBankName": "Access bank"
"amount": 50.00,
"reference": "ref1622626340871",
"narration": "You deserve to be pampered",
"currency": "NGN",
"fee": 35.00,
"twoFaEnabled": false,
"status": "FAILED",
"transactionDescription": "An error occurred during NE",
"transactionReference": "MFDS20210602103222AAABHU",
"createdOn": "2021-06-02T09:32:23.000+0000",
"sourceAccountNumber": "3262925591",
"destinationAccountNumber": "0035785417",
"destinationBankCode": "044",
"destinationBankName": "Access bank"
"amount": 50.00,
"reference": "ref1622626308270",
"narration": "You deserve to be pampered",
"currency": "NGN",
"fee": 35.00,
"twoFaEnabled": true,
"status": "EXPIRED",
"transactionDescription": "Transaction has expired",
"transactionReference": "MFDS20210602103150AAABHT",
"createdOn": "2021-06-02T09:31:50.000+0000",
"sourceAccountNumber": "3262925591",
"destinationAccountNumber": "0035785417",
"destinationAccountName": "AMADI SOLOMON E",
"destinationBankCode": "044",
"destinationBankName": "Access bank"
"pageable": {
"sort": {
"sorted": true,
"unsorted": false,
"empty": false
"pageSize": 10,
"pageNumber": 0,
"offset": 0,
"unpaged": false,
"paged": true
"totalElements": 3,
"totalPages": 1,
"last": true,
"sort": {
"sorted": true,
"unsorted": false,
"empty": false
"first": true,
"numberOfElements": 3,
"size": 10,
"number": 0,
"empty": false