Sql report
--0.5% amount
datepart(YEAR,a.transaction_time) Year, datepart(MONTH,a.transaction_time) Month, count(1) Volume,
sum((CAST( transaction_amount as money)/100) ) 'Total Value',sum((CAST( transaction_amount as money)/100) * 0.005 ) Charge
FROM [dcir_db].[dbo].[backoffice_transaction_records] a
--a.transaction_time>= '2023-09-01 00:00:00.000' and a.transaction_time <= '2023-10-01 00:00:00.000'
response_code in ('00')
and card_acceptor_id in (select card_acceptor_id from merchants
where concession_charge_type_id = '11') and (CAST( transaction_amount as money)/100) <200000
group by datepart(YEAR,a.transaction_time), datepart(MONTH,a.transaction_time)
order by year, month
--0.5% amount
datepart(YEAR,a.transaction_time) Year, datepart(MONTH,a.transaction_time) Month, count(1) Volume,
sum((CAST( transaction_amount as money)/100) ) 'Total Value',( count(1) * 1000 ) Charge
FROM [dcir_db].[dbo].[backoffice_transaction_records] a
--a.transaction_time>= '2023-09-01 00:00:00.000' and a.transaction_time <= '2023-10-01 00:00:00.000'
response_code in ('00')
and card_acceptor_id in (select card_acceptor_id from merchants
where concession_charge_type_id = '11') and (CAST( transaction_amount as money)/100) >200000
group by datepart(YEAR,a.transaction_time), datepart(MONTH,a.transaction_time)
order by year, month