One Time Payments

One Time Payments

Signing Up

Before you can start integrating to Monnify, you will need to sign up on Monnify. Click here to sign up

How it Works

Monnify allows a merchant to receive payments from his customers via bank transfers or debit cards. Every time a transaction is initiated, the Monnify SDK displays a distinct account number to the customer. The customer can simply pay by doing a transfer to the account details being displayed as shown in the images below


This is extremely useful for merchants who receive one-off payments from customers or eCommerce merchants where payment for an order must be identified uniquely. The customer can also pay by entering his card details. Here are a few examples of scenarios where a dynamic account for one-time payment is perfect:

  • eCommerce applications where customers add items to a cart and checkout

  • Donation or Giving forms where the payer need not be identified

Step-by-step guide

Monnify One-time checkout Integration can be completed via: 

  1. Monnify Web Checkout

  2. Monnify Android SDK

  3. Monnify iOS SDK

To complete a successful integration, ensure to;

  1. Integrate getting a transaction status

  2. Sett up your Webhook URL

However, if you want to, you can setup Monnify on your web application by calling the checkout APIs directly. Read the docs.

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