Update BVN for a Reserve Account

Update BVN for a Reserve Account

This API is to be used to update a customer's BVN mapped to a Reserved Account.

This endpoint is protected with OAuth 2.0 Bearer token

Endpoint URL: {{baseurl}}/api/v1/bank-transfer/reserved-accounts/update-customer-bvn/{{account_reference}}

HTTP Method: PUT

The {{base url}} for test is https://sandbox.monnify.com but when you go live, it changes to the live url

Sample Request

Update Customer Reserve Account BVN Request
{ "bvn": "21212121212" }

Sample Response

Update Customer Reserve Account BVN Response
{ "requestSuccessful": true, "responseMessage": "success", "responseCode": "0", "responseBody": { "contractCode": "915483727511", "accountReference": "121612212051585", "currencyCode": "NGN", "customerEmail": "testuser@monnify.com", "customerName": "Pascool Oj", "accountNumber": "4290733572", "bankName": "Providus Bank", "bankCode": "101", "collectionChannel": "RESERVED_ACCOUNT", "reservationReference": "R8J4LCW3P82WN4X6LQCW", "reservedAccountType": "GENERAL", "status": "ACTIVE", "createdOn": "2021-02-01 21:40:55.0", "bvn": "21212121212", "restrictPaymentSource": false } }

Field Reference





Current BVN to be mapped to the reserved account. This bvn would be the default BVN for the allowed payment source.


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